Welcome to our MBI Children and Family Ministry Newsletter! We seek to support Children and Family Ministry by providing free or inexpensive resources that inspire and educate faith in Jesus.
“Things that we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.”
-Psalm 78:3-4
Personal Life
Who was D.L. Moody? Who is this man who began a school that still bears his name 135 years later? D.L. Moody’s influence has rippled around the world for decades. D.L. Moody was a man passionate to win lives for Christ, a visionary who often stepped outside the status quo, a skilled recruiter and equipper of souls, and a devoted man of prayer—a man fully consecrated to Christ, through and through. For a brief history of D.L. Moody’s life, click here.
According to the Moody Center, it is estimated that D.L. Moody (1837-1899) preached the gospel to more than 100 million people in his lifetime. Living through the Civil War and the onset of the Industrial Revolution, Moody’s ministry took place at an influential point in Christian history. For more information about the chronological details of D.L. Moody’s life, check out this visual timeline put together by the Moody Center located in Northfield, Massachusetts. Click here to access.
Founding of Moody Bible Institute
After the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 had demolished people’s lives, teacher and principal Emma Dryer worked diligently to share the gospel with those who were hurting. After developing a program of Bible study, teaching, and home visitation for young ladies, Dryer urged Moody to partner with her in starting a training school for young men and women. Learn more about how Moody and Dryer laid the foundation for the heart of the future Moody Bible Institute here.
From shoemaker to starting a mission school, D.L. Moody was a Christian whose heart was fully devoted to God’s calling on his life. God took Moody’s vision and fifth-grade level education to heights no one would have expected—all for the glory of Christ and His gospel. To read more about Moody’s passion to make Jesus known and how that led him to establish what is now one of the top Bible institutes in the world, click here to access.
One of the many ways we can evangelize to children is through stories. D.L. Moody, well-known child evangelist, created a number of stories that can help children understand biblical principles. To access this collection, click here for a free online version or here to order it in paperback.
10 Keys to D.L. Moody’s Effectiveness
Evangelism is crucial to the Christian life, but we often find this task difficult and intimidating! We can learn much from D.L. Moody who as known for his effectiveness in bringing others to Christ. Lyle Dorsett gives 10 reasons for that effectiveness in this article here.
Nancy Drummond’s book, D.L. Moody: One Devoted Man, is a great way for children ages 8-14 to learn about the life of this 19th century American evangelist who sought to bring as many people to Jesus Christ as possible. You can purchase this book in print or audio versions here.
Moody Biography for Kids
YWAM Publishing has an excellent series of engaging biographies about well-known Christian heroes of the faith designed for readers ages 10+. You can find Janet and Geoff Benge’s excellent biography of D.L. Moody here.
Moody and Kids
Can anyone predict what the impact will be when a soul is won for Christ? D.L. Moody’s evangelistic endeavors were originally sparked by the teaching of one Sunday school teacher, Edward Kimball. Learn more about the impact this teacher had by simply wining just one heart for Christ here.
Response to a Prodigal Son
D.L. Moody’s own son went through a prodigal son season. D.L. Moody’s response can give parents in similar circumstances encouragement, as well as some truths to remember. To gain insight from D.L. Moody’s response to his son, click here.