Our Major

The CFM Major consists of over 80 students, both online and on campus; students who want to reach the heart of children and families in diverse and significant ways. 

Major Customization

Our major strives to make each student’s learning experience unique, designed to equip them effectively for children and family ministry. This is done through encouraging interdisciplinaries, allowing unique electives to be taken, and finding internships that are individualized to each student’s particular ministry goals. Students are encouraged to regularly meet with their advisor as well as upperclassmen to be made aware of the options available to them.

Underclassmen Experience

First year Children and Family Ministry Majors are given the opportunity to be paired with Juniors and Seniors in the major for a mentoring experience. The goal is for first year students to get connected, build community, and be informed about the CFM major.

Student Groups

The Children and Family Ministry Major’s Student Group is called CFAM (Children and Family Ministry Awareness Group). CFAM has many different opportunities to be involved in the children’s ministry community. Students who join can help host events to help the campus be aware of issues and needs within children’s ministry around the world, be a part discipling under privileged children in the inner city, create content for children’s ministry leaders, and much more.

Special Events

The Children and Family Ministry Major hosts one big event each semester, such as S’mores in the Plaza, along with the CFM Major’s chapel and community days. These events are intended to foster a sense of community within the major as well as to help keep students informed about what is happening in the major.

Study Abroad Opportunities

Professor Smith has the opportunity to teach annually in the UK as well as in Israel providing classes that are required for the CFM major in study abroad opportunities. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this unique learning opportunity.

“I wouldn’t be where I am today without my education at MBI.”

Claire Patty

Class of 2017