Welcome to our MBI Children and Family Ministry Newsletter! We seek to support Children and Family Ministry by providing free or inexpensive resources that inspire and educate faith in Jesus.
VERSE: “For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
Equipping People with Special Needs
“Families of children with disabilities face many struggles–financial, health, emotional, social–as well as the simple activities of day-to-day life.” For this reason, it is important for the Church to provide direct support, create opportunities for the families to come to church, and for the church to be ready to minister to the families in both spiritual and practical ways effectively. The DiscipleLand Staff talks all about disabilities ministry for children in their blog. To read more, click here.
The term “special needs” includes a wide spectrum of disabilities. This makes each families’ situation unique and may create unexpected avenues of ministry. You can help these families’ by taking time to get to know them and finding out what would be most helpful and work best in accommodating for their child’s needs. “How would I even start?” you may ask. Joe and Cinci Ferrini give WONDER-fully simple ways to engage with disabilities. To read, click here.
Empowered by rest
There is without a doubt, bountiful opportunity in Children’s ministry to point children to Christ! There is always a message to prepare, a game to put together, or an administrative task to be completed. Finding the balance between ones work and rest is a challenge. Samantha Decker, from Church Relevance, writes about different ways leaders can rest. She also reminds the reader that ministry is done by the grace of God andthat apart from rest in Him, leaders become weary in doing ministry. To read, click here.
It is jokingly said by many “I’ll sleep when I’m dead;” often times, it may feel as though that is our only option in children’s ministry. But does scripture affirm this mindset? Desiring God offers truths that counter the lies ministry leaders are attacked with concerning rest. Jesus modeled an example of rest when He said, “Come away and rest a while” (Mark 6:31). Disciple, it may be a challenge, but there is time and reason for rest! To read click here.

Cheerful Serving
As ministry leaders, we have been called to rejoice in God, and this leads us to serve Him with gladness. This joy comes from the Holy Spirit rather than from our circumstances. Jim Johnston, from Desiring God, writes about the danger in joyless Christianity. To read, click here.
Overwhelming Thankfulness
Thankfulness flows from a humble heart that acknowledges we have been saved by grace. We have the privilege of serving God’s children and that by itself is something to be grateful for! William VanDoodewaard talks about gratitude for grace in ministry. To read, click here.

a healthy leader
Pursuing Health
A leader’s personal health is critical to the health of a ministry. The way a leader encounters spiritual, physical, and emotional health affects those they are leading. Simon Stokes expounds on the importance of personal health in leadership. To read, access here.
Sacred Rhythms
Ministry can cause chaos in the life of a leader. One way they can respond is by using something called sacred rhythms. By creating rhythms, they establish life patterns that re-center them in biblical truth. Ruth Barton helps her reader understand how to identify and create rhythms for their life. To read, click here.

Embracing Flexibility
A servant leader practices flexibility, which helps them face challenges, remain productive during transitions, and be more effective when responding to the demands of a situation. In her article “6 Qualities of a Servant Leader”, Jennifer Stasak writes that flexible leaders recognize change as “an opportunity for growth and faith”. To read, click here.
Adjust to The “New Normal”
Covid-19 has changed the world as well as ministry to children. Children’s Ministry shows us 10 changes that have come about and how we might adjust to them. To read, click here.